
Auszug aus bisherigen Produktionen:

Force of Progress – Redesign

Instrumental Progressive Metal

Mixing, Acoustic & Electric Guitars, Electric Bass, Drumrecording

Brickhead – It Ain’t Bad!

Hardrock / Alternative Rock

Mixing, Producer, Arrangements, Recording, Electric Guitars

Degen Herb Mroszczok Schleicher – Theories In The Absence Of Definition

Progressive Rock

Mixing, Head Composer, Vocals, Acoustic & Electric Guitars, Electric Bass, Backings

„Das Mini-Album ´Theories In The Absence Of Definition´ ist in seiner Gesamtheit viel zu hochwertig und musikalisch wertvoll, als dass die kleine Vorstellung von DEGEN HERB MROSZCZOK SCHLEICHER bereits mit ihrem Ausklingen ein Ende finden sollte. Solch ein, auch produktionstechnisch hochwertiges Produkt muss einfach seine Anhänger sowie seine abendfüllende Fortsetzung finden.“ – Michael Haifl (

Tremor – The Borderline

Progressive Metal

Mixing, Head Producer, Head Composer, Arrangements, Electric & Acoustic Guitars, Electric Bass, Vocals, Drumrecording

„Blending both brutal and crystalline vocals with equally gritty and graceful guitar work, Sebastian Schleicher’s The Borderline is a skillfully crafted journey through a lush Prog Metal soundscape.  The familiar trappings of the genre are abundant, potent, and efficiently packed into only five and a half minutes!  Perfectly balancing heft and groove, The Borderline is bursting with masterful instrumental performances – and Schleicher’s alternation between guttural and gliding vocals is hypnotic, almost entrancing.  Wonderfully done!“ – Jon Wright (

HOFA Song Contest 2022 – Gewinner des Sonderpreise der Jury – „Abwechslungsreiche Produktion im Bereich Progressive mit überzeugender musikalischer Performance.“

Marquette – Into The Wild

Progressive Rock / Metal / Fusion

Mixing, Acoustic & Electric Guitars, Electric Bass, Backings, Drumrecording

„The compositions are subtly quirky and challenging, but without being overtly so, the musicianship is excellent, as is also the case for mix and production. Eclectic, mainly instrumental progressive rock is the overall name of the game, and those who find music described in this manner to be interesting should give this album a spin.“ – Windhawk (

Amberfield – Said.

Progressive Rock

Mixing, Head Producer, Arrangements, Acoustic & Electric Guitars, Backing Vocals, Drumrecording

„Some bands just have a good first impression on your senses.  Their music doesn’t have to work very hard to make its way into your mind, as opposed to bands that have such complex music that multiple listens are required.  Amberfield has a great sound that you will immediately “get”, and their debut album “Said.”, which released on June 15th, will grab you immediately with its energy and ambition.“ – The Prog Mind

Weitere Zusammenarbeiten:

Ferchio – Six Years
Song Production
Mixing, Mastering, Head Producer, Vocal Recordings, Electric & Acoustic Guitars, Electric Bass, Drum Programming, Keys, Sounddesign, Arrangements

Ossi Guitar – Das Beste Album der Welt
Album Production
Mixing, Mastering, Head Producer, Vocal Recordings, Electric & Acoustic Guitars, Electric Bass, Drum Programming, Keys, Sounddesign, Arrangements

Prof. Dr. Jungclaussen: Psychodynamische Didaktik – Der Tiefenpsychologie-Song
Song Production
Mixing, Head Producer, Acoustic Guitar, Cello, Sounddesign

Mandelkern – Album
Album Production
Mixing, Head Producer, Vocal Recordings, Solo Guitars, Sounddesign

The Silver Moondogs – Studio Live Session
Live Album Production
Mixing, Head Producer

Osiris Pausch – Ein neues Jahr
Song Production
Mixing, Head Producer, Programming, Arrangement, Electric Bass, Electric Guitars, Keys, Drums

Keys of Henoch – Ascension of Qayin (First Evocation)
EP Production
Mixing, Post-Production

Coolinato – Jingle
Jingle Production
Mixing, Mastering, Sounddesign, Production

Brickhead – Pandemic Session
EP Production
Mixing, Producer, Arrangements, Recording, Electric Guitars

Nadine de Macedo & Sebastian Schleicher feat. Rich Brewer – Remnants
Song Production
Mixing, Head Producer, Electric Bass, Electric Guitars, Keys, Drumrecording

South-West-Wind – Keep It In Your Eye
Mixing, Lead Vocals, Electric Bass, Electric Guitar Solo, Lyrics

The Chainsmokers, ILLENIUM – Takeaway ft. Lennon Stella (A’s Remix)
Song Production
Mixing, Mastering, Sounddesign

Force of Progress – The Perfect Element
Electric Guitar Solos

Splendor Solis – Aeon Colored Frames
Song Production
Mixing, Mastering, Co-Producer, Acoustic & Electric Guitars, Vocals, Backings

Schulchor der Gesamtschule an der Erft in Neuss
Song Production
Mixing, Mastering, Head Producer, Arrangements, Playback

Sami – Zemitaye
Song Production
Mixing, Mastering, Head Producer, Arrangements, Electric Guitars, Electric Bass, Keys, Drums

Sami – Wegene
Song Production
Mixing, Mastering, Head Producer, Arrangements, Electric Guitars, Electric Bass, Keys, Drums

Splendor Solis – Dreamwalk
Song Production
Mixing, Mastering, Head Producer, Vocals, Electric Guitars, Drums

Bird’s Parachute – Blaubeerpfannkuchen
Song Production
Mixing, Mastering, Head Producer, Electric Guitar

Ape Amplitude – Escape Routes
Electric Guitar Solos

Tesseract – Dystopia trio playthrough by Dennis Degen, Christopher Streidt, Yannis Schuchardt
Song Production
Mixing, Mastering

Teenage Satan And The Magnificent Glory
EP Production
Mixing, Mastering, Head Producer, Arrangements, Acoustic & Electric Guitars, Electric Bass, Drumrecording

Bakerstreet – Gnosis
Song Production
Mixing, Mastering

Bakerstreet – Dandelion
Song Production
Mixing, Mastering

Bakerstreet – Bonfire Pleasure
Song Production
Mixing, Mastering

Hannah Witt
Song Production
Mixing, Mastering, Head Producer, Arrangements, Acoustic & Electric Guitars, Electric Bass, Keys, Drums

Annett Louisan – Wenn zwei zueinander passen (Cover)
Song Production
Mixing, Mastering, Head Producer, Arrangements, Acoustic Guitars, Keys, Drums

Azazel Blind – Seven Little Demons
Song Production
Mixing, Mastering, Head Producer, Arrangements, Electric Guitar & Bass, Backing Vocals

Beyond Two Souls
Electric Bass

Johannes Gereons – All The Troubles
Song Production
Mixing, Mastering, Head Producer, Head Composer, Arrangements, Keys, Electric Guitars & Bass

Musical – Aufstand der Bösewichte (Hauptthema)
Song Production
Mixing, Mastering, Head Composer, Arrangements, Piano

Mondream – EP
EP Production
Assistant Producer, Contributing Composer, Electric Guitars & Bass

Johannes Gereons – Melancholia
Song Production
Mixing & Mastering, Head Producer, Arrangements, Keys, Strings, Electric Bass

Johannes Gereons – Faith & Fate
EP PRoduction
Head Producer, Contributing Composer, Arrangements, Acoustic Guitars, Electric Bass

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